How to Avoid Skill Shortages in Your Organization

Joe Kolinger presented this webcast at recently:

Protecting your company from skill shortages is a ubiquitous problem.

How to Avoid Skill ShortagesToday, many companies are facing a common problem – they have plenty of “data” about their talent, but what they don’t have is a way to get useful information out of that data and use it for decision making. Unfortunately, this lack of information is often the key to preventing skills shortages that can greatly affect the organization’s ability to get the job done.  Joe Kolinger, President of Kolinger Associates, is no stranger to overcoming these challenges. With his extensive background in technology and management consulting, Joe will help shed light on everyday business pain points and show us how to best use data to avoid skills gaps and shortages in every type of organization.

Having worked with hundreds of companies, Joe can provide elegant ways to solve complex business problems. During our webinar, we will review how you can:

  • See you how your talent mix impacts the profitability and survival of the company
  • Turn your workforce data into useful information that can help you identify talent gaps, areas of high attrition, and even excess staffing
  • Establish a core set of talent metrics and a strategy to leverage them
  • Monitor workforce attrition on a consistent basis to identify problem areas in department management, talent acquisition, and talent development
  • Avoid being blindsided by talent gaps on your most critical programs
  • Model changes to your teams before a final decision is made to make sure you’re moving forward in the right direction
  • Plan your workforce to be able to handle new opportunities that may be on the horizon
  • Reduce the time needed to find new employees by proactively identifying key skill sets for important positions

You can view the webcast here or download the full presentation here

Kolinger Associates can help with innovative solutions that enable our clients to successfully manage organizational change.

Give us a call or use our Contact form  to get a free one-hour assessment of your organization’s talent risk exposure. During this assessment you will:

  • Identify strategies to expose hidden talent risks
  • Learn how to avoid being surprised by status reports
  • Identify employee flight risks
  • Expand your knowledge of visualization strategies to manage workforce transformation