project estimation and project management breakthrough ideas and pracitices

Stars are not enough: The importance of aligning individual talent with company goals

2017-05-09T13:04:57-07:00By |Previous Articles|

Most organizations that I work with pay a lot of attention to the individual employee’s performance evaluation, but very little to the relationship between individual performance and organizational results. That’s why you will see a business full of “star performers” which is, itself, mediocre, despite all the “stars.” It’s as if they pay for effort and not accomplishment. Having great workers is not enough; their performance needs to be connected to the company’s goals.

Transform enterprise resource planning data into interactive management reports with OrgChart v5 Analytics

2017-05-09T13:04:57-07:00By |Previous Articles|

OfficeWork Software - a client of Kolinger Associates ( has produced OrgChart Professional Analytics, the charting software that allows firms to automatically transform enterprise resource planning data into interactive management reports.

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